Who we are
The Knights of Columbus is a group open to all practicing (receiving the Sacraments) Catholic men of the parish 18 years of age and older. Founded by Father Michael J. McGivney, a young parish priest now on the path to sainthood, the Knights of Columbus has helped strengthen men, their families, their parishes, and their communities since 1882. Today, there are more than 19 million members of the K of C doing good works across the world. The Knights of Columbus stands as the strong right arm of the Church, and challenges members to grow in their faith through programs, fraternity, and service to the Catholic Church, its priests, and their parish community. Learn more here at KofC.org
What We Stand For: Charity, Unity, & Fraternity
The Order was formed as a fraternal benefit society, but Fr. McGivney and the men he gathered saw a "higher calling," that was expressed in the Order's three main principles of charity, unity, and fraternity. Fr. McGivney saw them as three legs of a stool, each one dependent on the other, and each one critical to helping the Catholic men of Connecticut keep the faith while also supporting their personal, civic, and social needs. Today, we face many of the same persecutions and trials that the early Knights faced. Now, as it was then, strengthening your faith and having a brother to lean on is utterly important to staying the course Fr. McGivney set for us as Knights. To learn more about Fr. McGivney, his vision for the Knights, and his path to sainthood, click here.
When We Meet & What We are Up To
We meet on the 3rd Monday of each month. We begin with a Rosary at 6:45 pm and our business meeting starts at 7:00 pm.
Here's the link to our current newsletter, "The Defender," for recent and upcoming events.
Ready to join now? We would love to have you!
You can enroll in the K of C immediately as an "online member" by clicking here or scanning the QR code. Enter 18497 as the Council number. Once you complete the online form and submit it, someone from our council will contact you.