THANK YOU for your interest in volunteering at St. Michael the Archangel. The Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend requires that all volunteers working with children or teenagers on a regular basis go through a screening process to ensure the safety of the children and teenagers at our parish.
In order to apply to volunteer, please complete the four steps (the ABCD's of Safe Environment) listed below. Once all four steps are completed, your application will be reviewed by the parish's Safe Environment Coordinator, and, if approved, the organization that you are volunteering for will be notified.
A- Application: Complete and submit the online Volunteer Application here.
There's also a PDF of the application here that you can print and fill out.
B - Background check: Complete the background check
In order to complete a background check on you, we will be sending your email address to our provider of background checks, Barada Associates, Inc. They will send you an introductory email on how to begin the process. The message will come from the following email address, customerservice@baradainc.com, so be sure to set up your email accordingly and/or watch for this message.
C - CMG Connect: Complete the Training Modules on CMG Connect
Now you must complete the safe environment training. This training is meant to protect the children and those who minister to them, as well as, help to cultivate a healthy environment in which all persons can grow in their faith.
Each adult age 18 and older will create a user account for himself/herself at the CMG Connect website. Create an account here: http://fortwaynesouthbend.cmgconnect.org. Then complete the training modules that assigned to you.
D - Driver's License: Email a picture of your driver's license to the parish's Safe Environment Coordinator at safeenvironment@stmichaelwaterloo.com.
Thank you very much for your service to our diocese! Together may we bring the peace and love of God to all we serve. If you have any questions, please contact the Safe Environment Coordinator in the parish office (260-837-7115) or by email (safeenvironment@stmichaelwaterloo.com).