We have five branches of ministries. If there is a will, there is a way for you to become active with our parish family! Contact the office or the contact person noted for a specific ministry, or fill out the form here, and learn how you can become involved with our commuity as you grow in your relationship with our Lord.
The PPC is involved in most activities and programs affecting the liturgical and spiritual life of St. Michael the Archangel Parish. Please contact any council member with questions or concerns.
Tom Mason, Chairperson
Ken Bloom, Secretary
Jackie Freeman
Bill Illiffe
Michael Long
Jillian Dunn
The council advises the Pastor on financial matters of the parish. They are responsible for monitoring all income and expenses, and approving the annual budgets. Please contact any council member with questions or concerns.
Phil Schlink, Chairperson
Donna Garman
Chuck Dowe
Todd Esterline
Mike Peters
The building committee oversees the details of presenting a plan for a new Parish Hall.
Mike Long, chairperson
Russ Emerick
Nick Baughman
Dave Ford
Kurt Tompkins
Katie Tompkins
Heather Culler
Chuck Dowe
Scrip gift cards are sold after all weekend Masses. The church receives a percentage from each scrip card sold. Please consider supporting our church by purchasing Scrip for things you already need to buy. Help is also needed to sell Scrip. Please contact Jackie Hoff for more information or if you could help with the Scrip program.
Those who care for and beautify the grounds and church. Committee heads: Carl Buchs and Bernie Buchs
Those who maintain the cemetery grounds. Contact: Russ Emerick
Those who organize and maintain items from our parish's past for all parishioners to view and enjoy. Please contact Jennie Blomeke at 260-925-1505 for questions or to join the committee.