We have five branches of ministries. If there is a will, there is a way for you to become active with our parish family! Contact the office or the contact person noted for a specific ministry, or fill out the form here, and learn how you can become involved with our community as you grow in your relationship with our Lord.
Do you have one hour per week to come alongside the sick and homebound? You could visit an elderly person who gets lonely, help with housework, or go have lunch to keep someone company. This group also takes Communion and to those unable to leave their homes or the nursing home. Please call the Parish Office for more information or to alert us of your need.
The Rosary Society provides supper from 5:30-7:00 p.m. once a month at Warm a Heart in Waterloo. Six volunteers are needed to work the meal from 5:00-7:30 p.m. Monetary donations are also needed. Please contact Joann Walker for more information.
Food donations are collected the last Sunday of every month to support our local food banks.
Men and women who prepare and serve meals for funeral dinners. Sacristans also help prepare the altar for the Funeral Mass. Please contact Maryl Capaci or Ellen Buchs if you are available to be called on a rotating basis. You could also sign up to send in food if you are not able to work the meal.